Tuesday 4 March 2014

Macmillan Information Service Launch in Rothesay

Today was the soft launch day of the new Macmillan Information Service in Rothesay Library here on Isle of Bute.

We have a corner of the local library and a very nice set up with lots of leaflets and volunteers are there once a week to chat to anyone who wants some information about cancer.

Its is something that I think is desperately needed here on the island and I hope that the community will use the service.

Myself and the other 5 volunteers have gelled into a nice little group over recent months as we did our training before Xmas and have been eagerly awaiting the time when we can start. We go "live" so to speak next week. The service is available every day that the library is open and volunteers will be there every Tuesday.

It was nice to meet some of the Macmillan staff from the area office and have a chat about the service Macmillan provides.

So roll on next Tuesday when we can down to business.

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