Monday, 18 February 2013

One Billion Rising

Well, we did it!

On Thursday 14th Feb a small group of ladies, and a couple of lovely men, gathered in the town square here on Isle of Bute and joined 1 billion other women and men around the world to call for an end to violence and abuse towards women.

One Billion Risng was a global wake up call to the staggering number of women that are raped or are victims of abuse and violence every day on this planet.

Around the world, women came together. Fron Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and everywhere inbetween!

Our little gathering took place in the pouring rain; we huddled together near the bus shelter. We didn't dance unfortunately but we joined in spirit with the many other women who did.

Due to the bad weather we cut our event short and myself and a friend who works for the local Rape Crisis Centre went along to our local internet radio station and did an interview.

All in all, it was a successful day. If my health had been better, I would have organised a much bigger event - maybe next year!!!

Here is the link to a short video I made of our event -

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