Well, 2020 is almost over. Just a few hours now until we can finally say goodbye to what for many of us has been a dreadful year.
I think if anyone had thought a year ago on the eve of a new decade that we would end up in a national lockdown due to a virus pandemic that has killed well over 72,000 people, you would have been accused of having a fertile imagination or having too much to drink on New Years Eve!!!
It has been a tough year for a lot of people; from those cancer patients who have had treatment postponed to others who have had long awaited surgery cancelled. The many people who have been working on the frontline in the NHS and the countless people who have lost loved ones to this pandemic.
We face more of the same in 2021 unfortunately unless things change dramatically. I'm not going to get too political here but most right minded people can see only to well and clear that this whole covid thing has been handled disastrously by those supposedly in charge. From the lies & corruption to the total disregard for the value of the lives of the young, the elderly, the disabled and other vulnerable members of the population.
Hopefully things will improve soon but it is going to take everyone pulling together and doing their bit. Standing in the street and clapping for the NHS is not enough,
Let 2021 be the year that people stop being selfish and start having some compassion and respect for others. It only works if enough people do it. How many more people are going to die before we say enough is enough?
Those off us that care will continue to care but we can't do it all on our own. We all need to care for each other.
Goodbye 2020. Please close the door on your way out.
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