I have always been a quiet sort of person and prefer my own company.
I have always sought to see the good in people and to treat people as I would like them to treat me.
I was bought up to help others if it was within my capability to do so.
I try to live a good life and do the right thing; I believe that having a conscience means that you instinctivly know what is right.
Being aware of what is right and what is wrong means that you make a choice, sometimes unconciously, about everything you do.
Most people have a conscience but many don't use it. They allow their lives and their minds to be filled with insignificant stuff that ultimately controls their lives.
When you are awake to higher things you tend not to mix with people who allow their lives to be controlled by meaningless "stuff".
I am not here to convert others to seeing the greater good in life - if they choose the path they live that is up to them.
I know others don't feel the same way; they believe that everyone can be led towards the higher conscienceness and have their eyes opened.
I tend to believe that they need to open their eyes first, even if only slightly and then seek guidance.
It might sound like I'm waffling on here and maybe I am a bit because what I am trying to say here is not something that I talk about much to people I know so its difficult to express things in a simple and easy to understand way.
We live in a technological age where ideas and news can go around the globe in minutes - the world has become a much smaller place in the past 30 or 40 years.
People are connected to each other via the internet and mobile phones and we connect to people on the other side of the world who we may never see in real life.
So many of us have our view of the world shaped by social media and our interactions with it and with each other yet are we loosing the ability to interact with each other in the real world?
Stand at a bus stop or sit in a cafe; do you see people talking to each other - face to face? No, usually they are glued to their mobile phone checking their social media.
I was sat in a cafe before Christmas and a Dad came in with his young daughter. They sat at a nearby table chatting away; she seemed to love having the undivided attention of her Dad. Then the drinks arrived and Dad pulled out his mobile and spent the next 20 minutes scrolling through Facebook whilst his daughter sat there in silence, slowly stirring her milkshake with her straw.
Is that what "family time" has been reduced to - A few moments between social media updates??
What I am trying to say is that we have somehow lost the connection to each other and thereby our connection to what makes us human.
By not talking to each other in a deep and meaningful way, we are severing our connections with our deeper being.
The suicide rates, especially amongst men are rising steeply. People find it hard to talk openly and honestly to someone else about how they feel.
I believe that social media can play a positive role in this by letting people know that it's ok to talk but we have to also admit that social media is also creating these problems.
It acts as a mask that some people use to show the world a version of themselves that they think others want to see. It's often not the version they see when they look at themselves.
It is time for you to take off the mask and reveal your authentic true self.
Start by taking a long hard look at your life. Are you living a life that you are happy with? If not, what would make your life happier and make you more contented?
Once you begin to understand what it is you want in life, beyond the usual lots of money or fame etc, then you can begin to make those changes that you need to make in order to have the life you want.
If you are constantly telling yourself, usually subconciously, that you will make the changes next week, next year, next month - then nothing will ever change.
We are only alive for an uncertain amount of time so make the most of it. Better to live a life doing something you enjoy and that makes you happy than to spend your life feeling trapped in a dead end job and growing old and being full of regrets.
You only have one life so live the life you truly want.
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