Been so busy with so many things - making jewellery, raising money for Macmillan and womb cancer research; running the womb cancer support group; being involved with various projects here on the island!!!
It would be nice to report that my health was back to somewhere near 100% but its not, sadly! The treatment (chemo/radiotherapy) has left me with side effects that I won't bore you with; but I tend not to dwell on them and just get on with life and make the most of every day!
So much has happened that I don'treally know where to begin! The fundraising for Macmillan is still on going - so far £500 has been handed over. I am also now raising funds for a womb cancer project so the proceeds from sales of my jewellery are split between the 2.
I've started to make some peach coloured jewellery (peach is the womb cancer awareness ribbon colour) and I also do a few items in other cancer awareness colours!
The support group that I set up on Facebook is still going strong - we now have over 350 likers and are reaching out to women all across the UK.
I have also recently become involved with an exciting new project here on Bute, called The Rustle Way Arts & Media Studio, you can find out more about them here This is a fantastic community project, aimed at encouraging everyone in the community to explore their creative side and have some fun! Lots of exciting things are being planned so I'm really looking forward to the future here.
Well, this hen sure intends to stay happy!!!! Catch you later! xx
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