Thursday, 12 November 2020

Diabetes & Me.

 If you read my last blog post, you'll know that my ongoing health issues are causing me problems yet again.

I was taken into hospital over on the mainland back in the beginning of October and spent 2 weeks there. 

On the morning I was released, they told me that a blood test they had done when I was admitted had shown that my blood glucose levels were quite high but it seems that they had somehow overlooked this fact and only noticed it at the last minute.

So instead of leaving hospital thinking it was going to be good to get back home, I spent the whole journey back worrying about how diabetes was going to ruin my life.

Three weeks on, and I'm a little less pessimistic about the future. I am on drugs (metformin) and have altered my diet and have managed to loose some weight.

I was recomended a book by one of the GP's - The 8 week blood sugar diet by Michael Moseley - and found it quite interesting. He advocates a mediterranean diet to help reduce blood sugar levels and says that it is possible to come off medication in the long run which is exactly what I want to hear.

I eat a healthy vegetarian diet anyway which is full of fresh fruit and vegetables so basically it was just a case of cutting out the carbs and 3 weeks later I can definetly see the weight loss.

It is taking some adjusting too though as its hard to find recipes that are low carb, vegetarian & diabetic friendly but I will stick at it. At the moment, I'm eating lots of salad but it's getting a bit chilly for that now so I need to look for some alternative meals. There is also the issue of availability as the choice of fresh fruit and veg here on the island is often quite limited. I've not been able to get my hands on any radishes for ages!!!!

Until next time.

Kaz 😎