Well, it seems ages since I last wrote here - and looking at the date of the last post, it is indeed a long time since I last posted.
But, I've not been sitting around doing nothing; far from it infact.
I've just finished working my socks off during September as it was womb cancer awareness month and Womb Cancer Support UK has now finished it's 7th annual awareness campaign.
As always it's been hard work trying to raise awareness on social media; it has its good points but it can sometimes be very hard to break through and be heard above everything else that is going on.
Trying to get people to share FB posts or tweets can be very hard work, especially when you are doing something like this on your own. Putting the hours in can be tiring to say the least.
Aside from all the awareness raising, I have also been doing more craftwork. Trying to find the time to indulge my creative side has been hard over recent years as the womb cancer support & awareness work has increased but this year I have been determined to make some more time for myself.
I've been able to make and donate a lot of handmade items to various good causes and am looking forward to sending off another parcel of goodies soon.
I am also doing a couple of craft fairs here on the island in the run up to Christmas to raise funds for our local dialysis unit campaign. As always all money raised goes to the good causes concerned.
We are into October already, have no idea where this year has gone. Don't think we've had anything resembling a Summer here; just hoping we don't have a bad winter!!
Will post again (hopefully) before I do the Christmas Fairs and show you what I've been making but if you can't wait until then why not pop over to my FB page and have a look there.
Until next time.