So sorry that I've not updated the blog for a few weeks but I've been so busy planning and getting ready for September - which as you probably know if you've been following me for a while is Womb Cancer Awareness Month.
If you didn't know, then that is all the more reason why we need Womb Cancer Awareness month!
Womb cancer (or endometrial cancer as it is sometimes called) is the most common gynaecological cancer yet there is no national awareness campaign for it and sadly many women have never heard of it.
I had never heard of it until I was diagnosed almost 7 years ago - and once I'd finished my treatment I was determined to do something about it so I started Womb Cancer Support UK which is a support and awareness organisation, and was the first dedicated womb cancer organisation in the UK.
This September will be our 6th awareness campaign - a whole month of raising much needed awareness via social media plus various events happening in the "real" world!
You can find all the details on our website or by following us on Twitter or our Facebook page.
We have also launched a Thunderclap campaign to make some noise about womb cancer so please spare a minute to sign up for that. Much appreciated.