Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Peach Postcard Update

In the last blog post I told you about the Peach Postcard Project that I have launched to help raise awareness of womb cancer.

Well, there have been some lovely postcards arriving and you can see them here on the Womb Cancer Support UK website http://wombcancersupportuk.weebly.com/peach-postcard-project.html

The project is open until he end of July so, if you have not yet submitted your postcard then please do so. We really do need to raise as much awareness of this cancer as possible.
It's the 4th most common cancer in women in UK yet there is very little awareness and no national awareness campaign.

Please share the link around and invite all your friends - I want to make this a global event as cancer doesn't respect boundaries and affects everyone.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

The Peach Postcard Project

As some of you may know I was diagnosed with womb cancer right at the end of 2009 and had a hysterectomy, followed by chemotherapy and then radiotherapy.

Womb cancer is the 4th most common cancer in women in UK yet there is very little awareness of it; I had never heard of it and neither had many of the women who come to Womb Cancer Support UK (WCSUK) which is the national support organisation I started in April 2011.
There is no national awareness campaign and apparently no plans for one either so its left to patients and survivors to do what we can to raise awareness.

WCSUK has done a lot of work over the past 4 years, not only supporting women who have been diagnosed but also in trying to raise awareness.

At the beginning of May this year I launched The Peach Postcard Project  It aims to use art and social media to raise awareness.

So far there have been 18 postcards submitted and the word is getting around about the project. Yesterday I sent a link to a lovely blog post talking about the project so hopefully there will soon be some more postcards arriving in the post.

Please join the project and help raise awareness of this cancer. According to CRUK almost 9,000 women each year in UK are diagnosed with womb cancer, that works out at 26 women each day. Women who are Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Wives, Aunts and Grandmothers.