A couple of weeks ago, I handed over another cheque to my lovely Macmillan nurse Morag, who is a trustee of the Bute Community Palliative Care Fund. Thats now £400 that I've raised with the help of some lovely people who have continued to support me in this project!
I'm still runing my destash sale over on Facebook - got so much craft stuff its unbelievable!! It just mounts up over the years and I've decided that now is the time to have a clear out - and make some more money for this great cause!
Incase you don't know what palliative care is - its care in the home for those who are near the end of their life and it just provides those things that help make the last few weeks/days as comfortable as possible!
Although I still fundraise for Macmillan, and also Cancer Research UK, I wanted to donate to this particular fund as, not only does the money stay here on the island but it helps people who are at the end of their life.
If you're looking for a crafty bargain then why not pop over and have a look at my destash sale - lots of goodies on offer at great prices - and all for a wonderful cause! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150123558203394.297896.78739178393
I'm still finding stuff to list so keep checking back, you never know what you might find!