Call me a moaner if you want, and quite a few people have already, but when you have chronic health conditions weather like this is unbearable and not nice in the slightest.
It can make existing health conditions worse and can also create new health issues yet many people just don't seem to care or understand how it affects us.
As someone who has never been one for sitting out in the sun anyway, I find it even harder to tolerate the heat and humidity since having my treatment for womb cancer back in 2010.

Cases of melanoma or skin cancer are on the rise and yet many people are unaware of the symptoms or basically just don't care.
We all know that Vitamin D is good for you and the best source is sunshine but that doesn't mean you should be sitting out in the sun for hours on end.
It amazes me that people who have already had cancer will happily sit out in blazing sunshine because they want a good tan. Do they not realise that having had cancer once you are more prone to getting it a second time? Or do they really not care anyway?
It also shocks me to see young children playing out in the hot sunshine without any protection like hats or long sleeves. And don't get me started on people who walk their dogs in this hot weather.
It can take many years sometimes before skin cancer shows itself so you may get a good tan today but is it a price worth paying?
For more information check out the NHS website here
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